Outokumpu Tornio Hot rolling mill - General Safety Instructions
Welcome to the Outokumpu Hot rolling mill Safety Training Test. Before completing the test, you must have studied the safety training material. The test includes 10 questions for which you need to choose the correct answer/answers from the option. To pass the test, you need to answer nine questions correctly. If you fail the test, you can review the training material and try again. * Once you have passed the test, you will be asked to enter your name, date of birth, company name (employer) and email address. This information and the date of the test are collected so that we can monitor who has the safety training in force. The validity of safety training is a prerequisite for participation in outages. * Outokumpu is committed to storing personal data confidentially and securely and to process personal data in accordance with the privacy and data protection laws in force at any given time. * If you have any questions regarding data protection at Outokumpu or the personal data collected about you, you can send an email to dataprotection@outokumpu.com.